It's about 2:10am monday mornin', the official inauguration of my first blog posting! I know, I know, a popular trend that everyone got into a year, possibly two or even 3 or more years ago and i'm just getting into it now. Better late than never as I usually tend to suggest, obviously not always a good thing but for this occasion i'm sure an exemption can be made.
Now let's get down to business! Most people tend to officially end their summers on the last day of August, Labour Day, or in most cases..whenever classes are back in session for the fall semester. In my case, for someone who hasn't lived by a school calendar for about 4 years now, I usually don't feel summers over until scarves and hoodies need to be broken out just to enjoy a sunny day. This time around however it feels way more different than summers past. For one, the weather has been an issue where vancity got exposed to an extended rainy season that took over most of June and slowly leaked into july which was when we finally got a long streak of sunny, hot and scorchin' know, how summer's supposed to feel! Well that weather abnormality started to come back durin' late august where the days would still be hot, but once night fell it'd be cold as a mutha'!
Although its not the weather that marks the end of my summer, but a concert, that puts the official stamp to the end of MY summer! Quite fitting since I pretty much began my summer with a concert in early June which was the Kanye West "Glow In The Dark Tour" with special guests Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D. Presentation and artist wise, probably the most amazing concert i've ever attended. Well here we are in the first week of September and i'm officially rephrasing and proclaiming the best concert i've ever been to...*DRUM ROLL* "..and the award goes to...ROCK THE BELLS TOUR held @ The Gorge in Washington! I know I know, the 5 hour drive, to some 6, sounds like quite the commitment to drive just to see a concert but no, this wasn't just any concert..don't get it twisted, this was THE concert! First off, if anyones ever been to the gorge, then this definitely does not apply to you...for those who have no clue well then, you really, really don't have a damn near clue!

The venue alone is absolutely breath taking, pictures can't possibly do justice for the description but for what its worth, here's an idea <==
2nd'ly, the line-up was insane! There were 2 stages, the one shown in the image was the main stage where I got to see De La Soul, the reunion of The Pharcyde, Supernatural, The mighty mos def, The amazin Nasir Jones and Legendary, A Tribe Called Quest! We got to the venue at about 2:30p.m. and caught a bit of the blue scholars, a local hip-hop group from washington who were pretty ill in my opinion! Gotta show love & respect to where it's due! To see all four members of the Pharcyde all together on one stage was definitely a sight to see, definitely a feel good moment for hip-hop fans! Mos did his thing, I honestly was expecting a little more energy from his set, but i'll take what I can get! Nas, Nas, Nas....after peepin' his set last summer @ summer jam which showcases mainly commercial artists which in turn explains the type of hip hop fans that attend, I was expecting a more energetic performance seein' as rock the bells was more of a 'heads' show than summer jam. The verdict: Nas' set, absolute murder! The mans swag is second to none on stage although I still have yet to catch a show with T.I, Jay-Z or Weezy on stage! Which brings us to the final act: A Tribe Called Quest, 3 letters, one expression...OMG! During Nas' set, I caught the show sittin' down cuz I wasn't feelin' too good from all the alcohol mixed with bein' over exposed to the heat...but when Tribe got their set goin'...I stood right up and weathered the storm! The illest show i've ever been to, it's almost a shame to attend whoevers show I plan on attendin' next hahah, i'm playin'...maybe.
All in all, that show made it summer is officially doneskee for another year. Cold weather = a shirt or two, a hoody or sweater, and a jacket, in other words; Let the layer season begin! (2:55am) -HF
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